This post is the third in a series on the dataframe library for Scheme (R6RS). In this post, I will contrast the dataframe library with functions from base R and the dplyr package for splitting, binding, and appending dataframes.

Set up

First, let's create a couple of dataframes in both languages.

df1 <- data.frame(trt = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 6),
                  grp = rep(rep(c("x", "y"), each = 3), times = 2),
                  rsp = rep(1:4, each = 3))

df2 <- data.frame(asc = 0:11, desc = 11:0)
(define df1
   (list (make-series 'trt (rep '("a" "b") 6 'each))
         (make-series 'grp (rep (rep '("x" "y") 3 'each) 2 'times))
         (make-series 'rsp (rep '(1 2 3 4) 3 'each)))))

(define df2
   (list (make-series 'asc (iota 12))
         (make-series 'desc (reverse (iota 12))))))


I'm using append to refer to a cbind operation in R.

> head(cbind(df1, df2))

  trt grp rsp asc desc
1   a   x   1   0   11
2   a   x   1   1   10
3   a   x   1   2    9
4   a   y   2   3    8
5   a   y   2   4    7
6   a   y   2   5    6

In dataframe, we append dataframes with equal numbers of rows via dataframe-append.

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-append df1 df2) 6)

 dim: 12 rows x 5 cols
   trt   grp   rsp   asc  desc 
     a     x    1.    0.   11. 
     a     x    1.    1.   10. 
     a     x    1.    2.    9. 
     a     y    2.    3.    8. 
     a     y    2.    4.    7. 
     a     y    2.    5.    6. 

I chose dataframe-append as the name because lists are straightforwardly combined with append in Scheme.

> (append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))

(1 2 3 4 5 6)


In R, split returns a named list of dataframes where the names are based on the column names defining the groups.

> split(df1, list(df1$trt, df1$grp))

  trt grp rsp
1   a   x   1
2   a   x   1
3   a   x   1

  trt grp rsp
7   b   x   3
8   b   x   3
9   b   x   3

  trt grp rsp
4   a   y   2
5   a   y   2
6   a   y   2

   trt grp rsp
10   b   y   4
11   b   y   4
12   b   y   4

dataframe-split returns a list of dataframes.

> (for-each dataframe-display (dataframe-split df1 'trt 'grp))

 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     trt     grp     rsp 
   <str>   <str>   <num> 
       a       x      1. 
       a       x      1. 
       a       x      1. 
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     trt     grp     rsp 
   <str>   <str>   <num> 
       a       y      2. 
       a       y      2. 
       a       y      2. 
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     trt     grp     rsp 
   <str>   <str>   <num> 
       b       x      3. 
       b       x      3. 
       b       x      3. 
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     trt     grp     rsp 
   <str>   <str>   <num> 
       b       y      4. 
       b       y      4. 
       b       y      4. 


For binding by rows, we will use functions from dplyr. In the first example, all dataframes in the list have the same columns.

> dplyr::bind_rows(split(df1, list(df1$trt, df1$grp)))

   trt grp rsp
1    a   x   1
2    a   x   1
3    a   x   1
4    b   x   3
5    b   x   3
6    b   x   3
7    a   y   2
8    a   y   2
9    a   y   2
10   b   y   4
11   b   y   4
12   b   y   4

dataframe-bind-all works similarly to dplyr::bind_rows.

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-bind-all (dataframe-split df1 'trt 'grp)) 12)

 dim: 12 rows x 3 cols
     trt     grp     rsp 
   <str>   <str>   <num> 
       a       x      1. 
       a       x      1. 
       a       x      1. 
       a       y      2. 
       a       y      2. 
       a       y      2. 
       b       x      3. 
       b       x      3. 
       b       x      3. 
       b       y      4. 
       b       y      4. 
       b       y      4. 

To show how to bind dataframes with different columns, let's split up df1.

df_a <- dplyr::filter(df1, trt == "a")
df_b <- dplyr::filter(df1, trt == "b")

(define-values (df-a df-b)
  (dataframe-partition* df1 (trt) (string=? trt "a")))

dplyr::bind_rows fills missing columns with NA.

dplyr::bind_rows(df_a, df_b[,c("trt", "grp")])

   trt grp rsp
1    a   x   1
2    a   x   1
3    a   x   1
4    a   y   2
5    a   y   2
6    a   y   2
7    b   x  NA
8    b   x  NA
9    b   x  NA
10   b   y  NA
11   b   y  NA
12   b   y  NA

Because Scheme doesn't have explicit missing values, dataframe uses 'na to indicate missing values. In dataframe-bind (and dataframe-bind-all), missing values are filled with 'na by default, but a different fill value can be specified.

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-bind df-a (dataframe-drop* df-b rsp)) 12)

 dim: 12 rows x 3 cols
     trt     grp     rsp 
   <str>   <str>   <num> 
       a       x       1 
       a       x       1 
       a       x       1 
       a       y       2 
       a       y       2 
       a       y       2 
       b       x      na 
       b       x      na 
       b       x      na 
       b       y      na 
       b       y      na 
       b       y      na 

Final thoughts

With the exception of dataframe-split, all of the procedures described in the first three posts in the dataframe series involve straightforward composition of Scheme's fundamental procedures (e.g., map, apply, append, cons, car, cdr, etc.) on Scheme's core data structure, i.e., lists. The next couple of posts involve procedures that forced me to wrestle with tradeoffs between convenient syntax via macros (e.g., dataframe-partition*) and familiarity/consistency with Scheme's standard library. In the next post, I will describe how to filter, partition, and sort dataframes in Scheme.